"Chromatic Tsunami" is an enchanting printed art print that transports viewers to the heart of a mesmerizing natural spectacle. This watercolor painting captures the awe-inspiring grandeur of Japanese waves at the brink of day's end, bathed in the warm embrace of a breathtaking sunset. The composition is a harmonious fusion of vibrant hues and dramatic lighting that beckons observers to immerse themselves in its captivating narrative.
"Chromatic Tsunami" Framed Art Print
Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review
$50.00 Regular Price
$22.50Sale Price
- We use the highest rated Wooden black frames with a classic finish, sturdy but safe hard plastic cover, spring type action to remove the backing, can be hung horizontally or vertically.
- Your screen may display varying color nuances as a result of its individualized settings.
- We use the very best ink and paper combinations in the market. Our research team has spent countless hours exploring the best paper/ink combos in the market for you.
- The dimensions provided for all sizes encompass the entire paper area, including the white border.
- We employ 0.5" borders to our petite prints, 1" to small prints, 2" medium prints and 2" to large prints
- We employ watermarks in product listings for safeguarding against imitation; these marks do not appear in your purchased prints.
The print was just what my living space needed. Fit the vibe of my apartment perfect. It definitely added some life in the room. Already trying to find another room to add a new print from Dichotomy Designers!